form or restore a relationship Whale Watch Inn near Gualala California
is the answer. This idyllic place, just a couple of hours north
of San Francisco is designed to peel back layers of the tension
of everyday living. A couple can stroll the beach just below the
Inn, or simply listen to the sound of the ocean from the room.
My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed our stay.
- Carter B. Smith
Carter is a 50 year veteran of Bay Area broadcasting, working
for KSFO, KFRC (Magic 61), KNBR and KABL
The Best deal we've had in a while. I don't usually get so totally jazzed that I would write about my experience, but this time I really feel motivated. My wife and I just got back from a stay at the Whale Watch Inn in Gualala that was fabulous. Some of it may have been good luck, but we're ready to try it again. First off, I signed up for the Platinum card and got a $30 discount. Then we decided to stay Sunday and Monday night and we had the whole place to ourselves, well practically. Our Morning Light room had an unbelievable view of the surf, and we were off to the side and no one came near us the whole time we were there.
To top everything off, the weather was fabulous, very romantic indeed. I think it is the best $352 I've spent in a while.
After 29 years together, we finally found the perfect place to celebrate our love. We started our journey in California and have spent 25 years in Florida. It's wonderful to be back, if only for a brief vacation. The beauty of this sea coast is indeed match to the beauty of the Whale Watch Inn. Thank you, Rose Room for a wonderful memory.
We gave each other the gift of time....time to love and to share our hearts. We came to the WWI in much the same way as we met....without plan or intention. The result was very at first sight, and a strong feeling that we've know this place before. Kazie welcomed us like long-lost friends, and indeed that is how we felt. We take with us fresh memories of another wonderful adventure.
- I love you, Lu!
As magnificent as a year ago! A truly wonderful and magical way to celebrate our first anniversary! Spoiling ourselves-but why not? We love the private Jacuzzi bubble baths with soft classical music and just the two of us! No phones, no TV's, no interruptions. Time just for us! Watch the waves while eating breakfast on the deck-murmur of birds in the background. A hike on the beach - collecting pieces of driftwood...We'll be back to the Whale Watch again. Anticipation already!
Dear Mrs. Popplewell,
The knock at the door that announced the arrival of breakfast
each day was a major contribution to the pleasures of our stay
at your marvelous nirvana.
Yes, the food itself was welcome, and pleasurable indeed but
the freedom to remain undisturbed in your lush garden cocoon for
several additional hours was a highpoint of our stay with you.
Free time on our porch watching our private piece of the Pacific
and soaking up the sun was the thing I most needed at the time.
My only industrious accomplishments were addressing post cards
and taking photos to remember the ambience of your fine inn.
By the time my appetite was demanding lunch I was a bit more inclined
to explore your piece of California’s grand coast. Thank
you, for the tranquil time and for the effort and energy you invest
in your marvelous shelter.
- Jac Duquette
Grosse Pointe Farms, MI